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Who Affects You? How Parents, Peers, Employment, and Media Can Influence Your Spending Behaviors

July 10, 2024 12:19 PM
We do not all start with a perfect knowledge of what to do with our finances, I know I did not. Our financial knowledge and behaviors are affected by the people we are surrounded by. What we learn about finances during adolescence will affect our future financial behaviors. In a study conducted across multiple locations, Dr. LeBaron-Black and other researchers studied how parents, peers, employment, and media impact financial habits. Which one do you think has influenced you the most? In the study, they found that parents had the greatest influence on financial behaviors.[1] They also found that learning about money from parents and employment helped emerging adults develop good financial habits, while learning about money from peers and media encouraged bad financial habits.
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The Currency of Affection: The Impact of Daily Fluctuations in Financial Satisfaction on Relationship Bliss

May 27, 2024 10:14 AM
Couples experience conflict about various topics, from work-life balance to sex. Amidst these heated debates, there is one topic that consistently appears as a common ground for disagreement and a powerful emotional trigger: money.[1] It is common knowledge that finances can affect relationships. This is more relevant than ever today as financial stress is at its highest level in nearly a decade.[2] Whether you are dating, married, or cohabiting, financial satisfaction can have an impact on your relationship satisfaction. Dr. Casey Totenhagen and colleagues put this to the test, conducting research where couples recorded how they felt financially (like what do you feel is the level of your financial stress today?) and relationally (like how satisfied, content, and happy are you with your relationship?) every day for two weeks.2 It is no surprise that as financial satisfaction fluctuates, so does relationship satisfaction. To add to this, gender also has an impact! So, what does all this mean for you and your relationship? Let’s get into more specifics!
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Maneuvering Student Debt for a Fulfilling Life

May 27, 2024 09:50 AM
Figuring out finances can create challenges, and we are here to provide some information that could be helpful for you! In simple terms, the study The Effect of Households’ Student Debt on Life Satisfaction led by Dr. Thomas Korankye[1] shows that having student-loan debt harms how satisfied people feel about their lives. Even though taking on debt is often seen as an investment in the future, it can make people feel less satisfied with their lives until the debt is fully paid off.
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Love, Money, and Attachment: How it All Connects

May 27, 2024 09:44 AM
In their recent article, Couple-Level Attachment Styles, Finances, and Marital Satisfaction: Mediational Analyses Among Young Adult Newlywed Couples, Dr. Xiaomin Li and colleagues analyzed how relationships, finances, and attachment styles interconnect.[1]
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Is Financial Stress Good or Bad for Couple Relationships? Well, It Depends…

May 27, 2024 09:32 AM
According to personal finance expert Rachel Cruze, “Money and marriage should go hand in hand.” Unfortunately, Cruze has also asserted that money is the number one topic that married couples argue about and the second cause of divorce behind infidelity.[1] With the significant impact of money on marriage, is there any good news for couples experiencing financial stress? Gratefully, yes!
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Does Your Credit Score Have Power in Your Relationship?

May 27, 2024 09:25 AM
A credit score can be a dreaded 3-digit number that could be the key to either opening our doors or locking us in. Credit scores play a crucial role in all major financial crossroads including, but not limited to, (1) buying a house or a car, (2) taking out student loans, or (3) qualifying for that awesome rewards credit card you want. But can your credit score’s influence leak into other parts of your life? Research by Matthew Saxey, Dr. LeBaron-Black, and others would say yes![1] It turns out that the quality of your credit score may impact your romantic relationship in unexpected ways, including financial self-efficacy and financial deception.
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Let's Talk About Sex, Money, and Expectations in Marriage

December 01, 2023 08:59 AM
Sex and money aren’t often mentioned in the same breath, even for married couples. Whether because finances aren’t a particularly romantic subject or because physical intimacy doesn’t seem to factor into the weekly budget, the common view seems to be that these two topics are totally separate. However, these topics do have something clearly in common: neither seems to be an easy topic for couples to discuss, especially when partners feel inexperienced or unhappy with their current situation. Two recent research articles reveal further connections between sex and money.
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Holding Together in Times of Stress: Intimacy, Financial Stress, and Well-being

August 25, 2023 09:32 AM
Have you ever made a plan for your day, but things kept popping up, leaving you with a larger to-do list at the end of the day than you started with? Or maybe you tried to budget, but then found you do not have enough money at the end of the month to pay the bills? Life does not always go as planned, and sometimes we find ourselves in situations which challenge us physically and emotionally. While stress hurts in the moment, there are also long-term consequences that come from stressors. Stress greatly impacts mental and physical health outcomes for individuals. There are many different types of stress that people experience, with a range of influence.
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Harnessing Harmony: Balancing Power and Addressing Relational Aggression in Newlywed Relationships

August 22, 2023 11:22 AM
Do you ever feel like your voice and input for couple-based decisions counts for less than your partner or goes unheard? Maybe you have had a situation where your significant other took control of the decision-making process altogether and you felt powerless, frustrated, or ready to lash out at them? Maybe you’ve been the one to make a unilateral decision without your partner’s input or against their wishes? If so, maybe you also felt hurt by something your partner said to get back at you? If you can relate to any of these situations, know that you are not alone. There are reasons for these situations and solutions that can help you, your partner, and your relationship improve.
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Feminism and Finances: Does Equal Partnership Make Relationships Better?

August 22, 2023 11:10 AM
Feminism is a belief in equality, fairness, and respect between the sexes. These ideals extend to many different settings and often involve advocacy for women’s rights.1 The ideals of feminism can be seen when sexes are given the same liberties, opportunities, and privileges. In addition, ideals are seen on an individual level when a person treats all others with dignity and consideration. Although exact equality may not be possible in every case given some physical differences between the sexes, equity and the ideals of feminism can be present in every case, along with their benefits.
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