Money troubles can make or break a marriage, and in fact, financial conflict is the number one predictor of divorce—more than any other type of disagreement.[1] Therefore, understanding how couples manage and navigate through financial challenges is especially important. In a compelling study[2] led by Dr. Heather Kelley and her team, they explored the relationship between financial stress and marital quality. The study found that financial stress negatively impacts marital satisfaction. When couples experience certain life events such as marriage, unemployment, or childbirth, they are more prone to financial stress. However, effective communication and maintaining a positive attitude can help mitigate the negative effects financial stress has on marital quality, and can help couples strengthen their relationship.

Financial stress is almost inevitable in marriage! This kind of stress increases conflict between partners and reduces time spent together,[3] and decreases marital satisfaction,[4] adding more stress and straining the relationship.[5] Furthermore, changes in individuals’ attitudes, emotions, and behaviors towards their partner—triggered by financial stress—also contribute to marital difficulties.[6] These emotional and behavioral changes can lead to increased conflict, verbal and physical hostility, and aggression,[7] all of which negatively affect marital quality and intimacy. Thus, it is critical to understand how couples can effectively cope with financial stress. Despite the negative outcomes couples may face when experiencing financial stress, they can also overcome these challenges together and continue to thrive. One key strategy for doing so is through communication.

High quality communication is very important in shaping marital outcomes! High-quality communication is closely associated with increased satisfaction,[8] enhanced intimacy,[9] and lower divorce rates.[10] Healthy interactions between partners can lessen the negative effects of financial stress on marital happiness.[11] The way couples communicate can significantly influence how they handle financial issues. When couples focus on open and positive discussions about financial matters, it can help them better navigate economic challenges. As they work to improve communication, their marriage becomes stronger and more fulfilling.
Financial stress can take a toll on both partners, triggering a ripple effect that impacts emotional well-being and overall marital satisfaction. How can couples manage this? The key lies in acknowledging the shared burden and working together to address financial challenges. Prioritizing open and constructive communication is crucial. By setting aside time for honest discussions, couples can better understand each other’s concerns, work together to find solutions, and provide emotional support. Creating a financial plan as a team not only helps reduce stress but also strengthens resilience and nurtures the relationship. Think of it as not just tackling financial issues, but growing stronger as a couple through the process!
Tailoring Communication Strategies Based on Gender Differences.Couples may benefit from recognizing and addressing gender-specific responses to financial stress. Research indicates that husbands and wives may experience and react to financial challenges differently, with communication patterns impacting marital quality in distinct ways for each partner.[12] For instance, while healthy couple communication alleviates the negative effects of financial stress on husbands’ marital quality, the same may not hold as strongly for wives. This suggests that couples should tailor their communication strategies to address these differences, ensuring that both partners’ needs are met. By fostering a more nuanced approach—where each partner’s unique stress responses are acknowledged and addressed—couples can enhance their ability to navigate financial difficulties together.
Implementing Healthy Communication.
To implement these strategies, couples can begin by improving their overall communication skills, focusing on active listening, empathy, and emotional support. Additionally, participating in relationship education programs or seeking guidance from therapists trained in marriage and family dynamics can help couples develop these skills in a structured environment. Establishing open dialogues about both financial and non-financial topics can create a foundation of trust, enabling couples to work through financial stress more effectively.
[1] Dew, J., Britt, S., & Huston, S. (2012). Examining the relationship between financial issues and divorce. Family Relations, 61(4), 615-628.
[2] Kelley, H. H., LeBaron, A. B., & Hill, E. (2018). Financial stress and marital quality: The moderating influence of couple communication. Journal of Financial Therapy, 9 (2) 3.
[3] Gudmunson, C. G., Beutler, I. F., Israelsen, C. L., McCoy, J. K., & Hill, E. J. (2007). Linking financial strain to marital instability: Examining the roles of emotional distress and marital interaction. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 28(3), 357–376.
[4] Stewart, R. C., Dew, J. P., & Lee, Y. G. (2017). The association between employment- and housing-related financial stressors and marital outcomes during the 2007–2009 recession. Journal of Financial Therapy, 8(1), 43–61.
[5] Conger, R. D., Rueter, M. A., & Elder, G. J. (1999). Couple resilience to economic pressure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(1), 54–71.
[6] Conger, R. D., Ge, X., & Lorenz, F. O. (1994). Economic stress and marital relations. In R. D. Conger & G. H. Elder (Eds.), Families in troubled times: Adapting to change in rural America (pp. 187–203). Aldine de Gruyter.
[7] Aytaç, I. A., & Rankin, B. H. (2009). Economic crisis and marital problems in Turkey: Testing the family stress model. Journal of Marriage and Family, 71(3), 756–767.
[8] Caughlin, J. P., & Huston, T. L. (2002). A contextual analysis of the association between demand/withdraw and marital satisfaction. Personal Relationships, 9(1), 95–119.
[9] Laurenceau, J. P., Barrett, L. F., & Rovine, M. J. (2005). The interpersonal process model of intimacy in marriage: A daily-diary and multilevel modeling approach. Journal of Family Psychology, 19(2), 314–323.
[10] Huston, T. L., Caughlin, J. P., Houts, R. M., Smith, S. E., & George, L. J. (2001). The connubial crucible: Newlywed years as predictors of marital delight, distress, and divorce. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80(2), 237–252.
[11] Conger, R. D., Rueter, M. A., & Elder, G. J. (1999). Couple resilience to economic pressure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(1), 54–71.
[12] Afifi, T., Davis, S., Merrill, A. F., Coveleski, S., Denes, A., & Afifi, W. (2015). In the wake of the great recession: Economic uncertainty, communication, and biological stress responses in families. Human Communication Research, 41(2), 268–302.